Calculate Wax Weight for a Container Candle

To calculate a reasonable estimate of how much wax is required for a container candle, simply enter the specified weights below. You may use any units you like; lbs, ounces, or grams. The important thing is to use the same unit of measure in each box. For instance, if you enter the number of ounces in the first box, make sure you are thinking ounces when you enter the number for the second box.

echo ‘


//outputs the first box and it’s value
echo ‘
echo ‘ Empty Weight of Container Enter the empty weight of the container. Use decimals if needed, for instance ten and a quarter ounces would be entered as 10.25. Do not enter words such as “grams” or “ounces.”



//outputs the second box and it’s value
echo ‘ ‘;
echo ‘ Filled Weight (with water) Using water, fill the container to the desired level that you would normally fill to if you had been pouring wax. Enter the filled weight of the container, using decimals if needed.


//outputs the ans box and it’s value
echo ‘ = ‘;
echo ‘ Estimated weight of wax required.’;
echo ‘


7 comments on “Calculate Wax Weight for a Container Candle
  1. G says:

    What’s the equation here?

    • Mobo says:

      It appears to be:

      Weight filled w/ water — weight of empty container = weight of water


      weight of water — 14% of weight of water

      Weight of container: 12.5 oz
      Weight with water: 23.5 oz

      23.5 — 12.5 = 11 oz = weight of water
      14% of 11 = 1.54
      11 — 1.54 = 9.46

  2. Ellen Auger says:

    Can anyone tell me…… a 50 lbs container of flaked soy wax – approximately how many ounces of MELTED way does that produce?

    • Keek says:

      A pound of feathers weighs the same as a pound of gold. Therefore, 50 lbs of flaked wax weighs the same as 50 lbs of melted wax. There are 16 oz in a lb. 50 x 16 = 800 oz.

  3. Quentin says:

    Seems like they tried to build a better mousetrap here with this calculator. What was wrong with the old Water wt to Wax wt formula? “For every 3.5 oz of water, you will need 3 oz of wax.” Truthfully, I have trouble with that one too, so that’s why I’m here. : ) lol

    • Rollyb says:

      Nothing’s wrong with water weight to wax weight, but you still have to do math.

      (3.5 / 3) = (11 / X ) written as…

      3.5 11
      — x — Cross multiply (11 x 3 ) and divide by 3.5 = 9.43
      3 x

  4. Joanne says:

    This has worked perfect for me!

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