Autumn Leaves Soaps


Use this simple technique to create stunning autumn leaves soaps.

You Will Need:
Melt & Pour Soap Base (Opaque bases work best)
Powdered Soap Colorants (Micas and/or Oxides)
Guest Leaves Soap Mold
Bath & Body Safe Fragrance Oil (Optional)
-Microwave Safe Melting Dish
-Paint Brush


Step 1:
Using a dry paint brush, dab the end into your desired colorant and gently dust the bottoms of the leaf cavities in an irregular pattern. You may wish to use multiple colors for each leaf to get an early autumn color changing effect. Tip: Go for a walk in the park in the fall or look up photographs of changing leaves to get an idea of how you want them to look and what colors to use. We used a combination of Glimmer Beige Mica, Deep Russet Mica, Red Oxide, and Deep Green Mica.


Step 2:
Cut your soap base into small chunks and place in your melting dish (Pyrex measuring cups work great for soap making) and melt in the microwave in 30-second increments, stirring occasionally, until fully melted.


Step 3:
Add your fragrance if desired and stir thoroughly with a fork or spoon. Woodsy scents such as Cedar, Asian Sandalwood, or Autumn Walk are great choices for this project. We recommend using about ½ ounce of fragrance per pound of soap.


Step 4:
Add your colorant for the base. We used just a bit of the Deep Green Mica for a light, neutral green background color that won’t detract too much from the other colors of the leaves. Stir thoroughly to get rid of any clumps.


Step 5:
Carefully pour the soap into the mold cavities at around 125 degrees. Try not to pour too much hotter than this or the colorant in the molds will swirl around too much rather than staying in place. Allow to cool completely. Tip: Spray the tops of the soaps with rubbing alcohol to get rid of excess bubbles.


Step 6:
Once the soaps are completely cool, gently pop them out of the mold using your thumbs. Make any touch-ups with a little extra colorant on your paint brush if necessary. These beautiful soaps are now ready to enjoy!

One comment on “Autumn Leaves Soaps
  1. Victoria says:

    This was a great and simple tutorial..Just what I was looking for, for my fall soaps…thank you, Victoria

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