Comments on: Wick Centering Tools Candle and Soap Making Knowledge Base Sat, 16 Jun 2018 06:55:01 +0000 hourly 1 By: Alan Wallace Sat, 16 Jun 2018 06:55:01 +0000 Hi Stephen. There was a couple in TX that used to manufacture these, Rob and Stephany, both really nice people. Anyway, their relationship fell apart, which preceded the demise of their company. (sounds kind of familiar, huh?) I know we were having trouble sourcing these for the last few years from Rob, who continued to run the company solo. The Wick Centering Tools go back about 15 years. Rob may have sold the design. I know he was actively looking for a buyer for several years.

By: Stephen Sun, 08 Apr 2018 05:04:25 +0000 hi Alan, Please i would really love to get my hands on these wick centering tool. i have searched everywhere but can’t find them. where can i get them
